The construction of the city is already art !
Architecture is a mix between ingineering and artistic job. Even if sometimes property developers forget this dimension in order to make money, each city is full of monuments! Architects' first goal is creation. They belong to artistic movements like “Gothic" and “Art Nouveau”. It is linked with Art History.
Have you heard about Gaudi?
Antoni Gaudi was a Spanish Catalan architect, he is representative of Catalan Modernism. Gaudi's works are marked by a highly individual style and most of them are located in Barcelona. Catalan Modernism is an anti-traditionalist movement which took place on Barcelona (1888 to 1911). This movement is very close to Art Nouveau.
His conception of Architecture is very close to art and ornament. He created organic buildings. His architecture is based on details. He designed everything, even windows or doorknobs!

Gaudí meticulously studied every detail of his creations, integrating into his architecture a series of materials, such as ceramics, stained glass, metal and wood carpentry.
He was inspired by Nature and found a new architectural language in order to build organic forms.

For instance, The structure of the Sagrada Familia is composed of many columns which remind us of a forest. Some details of the cathedral looks like canes, reeds or bones.
Gaudi is also famous for his colored architecture! He dared to use bright colors onto façades. He blended art and architecture, he created sculptures and sometimes integrated his creations into architecture.
There is something fun and refreshing in Gaudi's buildings that I like very much !
Architecture can be Art! When I went to the Guggenheim museum at Bilbao, I definitly thank that it was a huge sculpture!
RépondreSupprimerIs this street art because you can see it from the street? Your definition has become extremely wide here and I'm not sure that you're still focused on your original subject. The ephemeral aspect that you mention as part of your defintion is lost here.
RépondreSupprimerCorrections: engineering and an artistic job, art history, Modernism, doorknobs, columns, remind us of a forest, famous for his coloured/colours or colored/colors, onto façades, refreshing in.
Here when I speak about street art, I don't think about the famous artistic movement (which I presented at first). I open the definition. Street art become every artistic thing that you can see in the street. For instance, I include into street art things like sculptures, monuments and also happenings or installations. We should have titled this phenomenon Urban Art or even Outside Art.